Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life Is

Life is too short

To hold grudges, because they are a waste of happiness

Laugh when you can so laugh all the time

Apoligise when you should

Let go of what you can't change for my girls that means ur SCRUB of a man.. Fellaz that means ur GOLD DIGGIN girlfriend...

Love deeply and forgive quickly

Take Chances

Give your "everything" into what you do

Life is too short to be unhappy

Take the good things with the bad things that life brings...

Smile when your sad it shows your STRONG

Love what you have ALWAYS

Remember what you had

Always forgive and learn from your mistakes

I know sometimes in life we make the same mistakes over and over again, but eventually we'll learn from them.

People change and things will go wrong

But always remember

Life Goes On....

There will always be tomorrow

and you can re-write your story

So write in pencil so you can always edit....

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